Friday, October 3, 2008

7 Year Old Kills Zoo Animals to Save a Crocodile

If you haven't read it yet, you should.

In summary, a 7 year old Australian kid broke into a zoo exhibit and killed several animals by bludgeoning them with a rock and then fed them and other animals to a crocodile.

The zoo says they are going to take the kid's parents to court to get reimbursed for the estimated $5000+ worth of damages.

I don't know what normal human beings think when they read stuff like this, but what I think is: If this had happened in the USA, the parents would be suing the zoo for not having enough security in place.  Their poor innocent child could have been seriously injured.


  1. Australian needs serious tort reform. It is outrageous their zoo security is so lax that a little kid could break in and murder dozens of animals for gator feed. In America the way it would actually work is the parents might bring suit against the zoo. But if they did the zoo would counter sue against the parents, due to them being the guardians of the brat. Stick to your computers and leave the law to us lawyers.

  2. You calling yourself a lawyer is like an actor or actress calling themselves a politician.

  3. Please, let be real here ! The only people who should be blamed/held accountable are the parents ! Where the hell were they when all this was going down & what did they teach this kid that he would even *consider* doing someting so sick & cowardly? Kids do not raise themselves and most *healthy* kids LOVE animals. Speaking as a parent, if I saw my child delibretly hurting any animal, I would haul him off to the nearest phycologist. I pray they don't have pets or small children at home.

  4. I often forget that people who don't know me are often ignorant of how sarcastic I am. It's my middle name. Gar Sarcastic.

  5. Oh, I knew you were being sarcastic. I maybe from Texas, but I'm not a *total* hick ; ) I was referring to some of the previous posts.

  6. Oh. Well, that Durango fellow is a little odd. Sometimes he seems to exhibit a sarcastic incarnation, but I try not to mess with him too much. He may snap.
