Monday, November 17, 2008

The Problem with Health Care is Insurance

It seems that the answer to "everyone must have health care" is to make sure everyone is insured. I'd argue that insurance is the problem.

In a country as rich as ours, no one should have to suffer. A person who has a heart attack shouldn't have the stress of paying for it after it's over (depending on the circumstances). A person who does crack until their heart explodes probably shouldn't be getting handouts, but how do you prove that. We're innocent until proven guilty.

If your plan is that everyone should have health care and you implement that plan with Medicare (insurance), then you are already in the wrong playing field.

The first thing you do is eliminate malpractice insurance. This is the insurance all doctors get to cover their asses in case they get sued. If a doctor is sued for malpractice then the fine should be appropriate. After that, it should be tried as a criminal case. If the doctor is proven to be practicing medicine and is incompetent, then they should be made to quit practicing medicine and perhaps serve some hard time. They shouldn't have insurance so that they can keep blundering along. As a patient, I could choose to go to a doctor's office where they had a million dollar pay out policy. "If we mess up your diagnosis we'll give you $500!". "If we cut off the wrong appendage, we'll give you $1,000,000!". Why would you go anywhere else?

If you are diagnosed with an illness that is terminal. And by terminal, I mean, it'll kill you if it's not treated. Then, your treatment should be free. Perhaps, your treatment can come out of your own social security. You've been paying for your "retirement benefits" since you started digging ditches at the age of 16. Now, you've been told, you probably won't live past the age of 70 and you'll have to take shots of insulin every day. Well, let them dip into their social security benefits to cover the necessary drugs to let them live. They won't get to retire anyway.

Our current health insurance system is like paying an extra $600 per month for your car so you can get the oil and brakes changed for free. If you have a cold and you think your doctor can help you recover quicker, is it too much to expect to pay $100 at the office? It probably wouldn't be that much after you do away with malpractice insurance, health insurance and medicare. The doctor's offices have to cover their costs as well.


  1. As one who has had 4 heart attacks quadruple bypass, 3 stents, congestive heart failure and a pacer ICD implant (sorry redundant)I would be on the street had it not been for insurance.
    Now that being said I also agree with you.
    Health care is very expensive, but I believe that if the government would get it's hands out of it the cost would drop significantly. It cost drug companies millions apon millions to produce a drug. I am currently in the third phase of a drug trial. I'm not sure how many phases there are but the one I'm in has to have atleast 10,000 people over 3 years. What price will the manufacturer have to charge to recoup their costs.
    And it's not only the drug companies but medical equipment. Any thing that goes into a hospital from toilet paper to you name it cost 3 to 4 times what we would pay on the street just because it has to pass government standards.
    My one surgery was $165,000. Forty years ago it would have been around 25 - 30,000 My open heart was done basically the same way it was done those many years ago. Newer equipment, sure, newer drugs, sure. But really... should it cost that much more?
    They charge it because they can.
    Insurance.... You are right my friend.

  2. Hi..
    Thank you for his all information..
    this is info input to me..

  3. Wow Rick, you have run the gauntlet of the medical industry. And I complain about having type 1 diabetes for 27 years. It makes me feel better that you agree with my diagnosis :).

    Thanks for reading Skebber. Feel free to drop by any time. I'm glad you got some good information.
