Monday, May 4, 2009

Italian Trip Report

I can't do this justice all in one post. I was hoping to be able to write 3 or 4 things from Italy, but the Internet connection was "the suck" and I had no patience for the slowness. Besides, I had better things to do.

Now I am back home and will have to put all of my thoughts together in some kind of entertaining way. I went with a colleague of mine so I had a partner in crime in all that I did.

I will leave out names to protect the innocent and also to not offend anyone for the names of those I can't remember or never received.

The picture above was taken from my hotel room window. It was on the beach in Catanzaro Lido. I'm not sure how many Americans make it to "The California of Italy". Maybe we were the first Americans they had ever met. I'm not sure we made a good impression. I have some pictures of that too. And I think I gave my blog address to several of the locals. They may have quit checking up on it after the first 2 or 3 days of inactivity though.


  1. Are you in your cups and posting again? That pic of the view from your room was so big I was unable to scroll around enuf to see it. Does your computer monitor have a 6 foot screen?

    Other than that, I eagerly await your report.

  2. Don't know how that happened. I repaired it so that no one else complains.
