Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back from Milan, Off to Jamaica

Well I got back from my second trip to Milan this month. The trip, although short, went rather well although I didn't do anything blogworthy. It was just work. I'd get up at 7:45, be at breakfast at 8:30, be at the site by 9:30, work until about 19:30, have dinner at about 20:30 and go to bed about 23:00. Fun was had by all.

I've been lacks about my blogging and I know you are all very sad, but you must bear with me for another week as I go to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and Cozumel Mexico on a Carnival Cruise. It's a 7 day cruise and I don't normally even think about computers while cruising.

Next Monday (the 30th), I promise to try and blog about something that'll make me look a bit foolish and opinionated. It will also be great fun! I'll prepare you...

I watched a Glen Beck show while I was in Italy. He's on Fox and I don't like Fox, but I watched it anyway. I enjoyed watching it. He seemed knowledgeable, opinionated, and he didn't seem to blame the republicrats, but the government as a whole. I get tired of people saying, "It's the Republicans" and then they vote all the Republicans out of office, then say, "It's the Democrats" and now they are about to vote all the Democrats out of office and then it'll be back to , "It's the Republicans". Obviously no one is fixing anything...

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