Monday, November 9, 2009

Do contact me on my private email address

I’ve decided to help the masses and explain some things that may not appear so common to some.  If you have done an Internet search about an email you received regarding a large inheritance, read on…

I get emails like this probably once per day.  Some are better than others (like the Elena Tan story).  But they are are filled with crap of some sort.  Today, I will attempt to diagnose the problems with the majority of these emails.

Here is the email as I received it (my comments in RED):

I am Mrs. Paula Hamilton. I was married to Late Dr. Edward Hamilton who was based in Malaysia. My Husband  died on February 2nd 2007 after a brief illness.I am presently diagnosed of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) and recently, my Doctor told me that I may not last for the next Three Months. Having known my condition, I have decided to entrust my entire estate to a honest individual

Really.  This should just irk you.  It does me.  Calling me honest with this kind of email preying upon the desperate folks who may be in dire straights and in need of a little help is about the most dishonest thing they can do.

who will utilize this money in the manner at which the funds are meant for.Beloved, I choose this means to locate you because I am sure that I will be lead

Now you are honest and loved.  Do you have warm fuzzies?  More honesty below and a little kindness thrown in for more fuzzies.

to the kind of person that will be totally honest with me. Due to my health condition, delay in your reply will not be of any benefit to me and this will propel me to search for someone else.

Here, they try to make it sound like you are the only one they sent this to.  Some spammers are better than others.  This particular email went out to “undisclosed recipients”.  When you send an email, your email program typically puts in the recipients on the address line.  This is only a courtesy.  Email servers will gladly send the email on without any such courtesy.  If the destination address is “undisclosed” this more than likely means that it was sent to about a billion people and you probably wouldn’t want to see the list anyway.

Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I have stated above. Do contact me on my private email address
In His Arms.

Here we throw in the religious zinger.  Like it or not, religious folks have been giving money away for thousands of years.  If you are a spammer and trying to get someone to give you information or money, it’s best to add religion into the mix.  The odds of success just went up exponentially.

Robert Grays
Mrs. Paula Hamilton.

You definitely don’t want to respond to this unless you are in law enforcement and are going to try and get some kind of charges filed.  It should be illegal.  I think false advertisement normally is.  You probably shouldn’t blog about it either.


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