Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Drinking and Blogging

I wasn't ready to share all that. Sorry.


  1. Which part of that was the most mortifying for you when you read it sober? Was it the part where you wished Ed would get a sex change so you could marry him? Or the part where, (I'm paraphrasing here from my faulty memory) you said you are the smartest person in the world and that alcohol helps you relate normally to all the stupid people?

    Anyway, I'm shocked you removed your booze-fueled blogging. It wasn't that bad...

  2. It wasn't really mortifying. I'll call it more of an experiment. I didn't even re-read it. I knew what it said. I just saved it to a little file somewhere for future use.

    It will entertain me for years to come.

  3. Oh yeah, and you should try not to paraphrase from your faulty memory.


  4. Can you send me the file? I didn't get to read your blog and I'm in desperate need of entertainment. You shouldn't let me get my information second hand, it could be quite damaging.

  5. CT2----
    I should have had the common sense to save the latest Gar Files before deletion. But I did not. Sad to say, you missed a gem.

    And I am shocked that Gar is casting aspersions on my memory and paraphrasing ability. He is so rude for such a well documented smart guy.

  6. Damn, what you miss when you're traveling! I missed another awesome drink/blog bonanza! I gotta say, though, that clearly GAR should be the one to get the sex change operation. Even so, I really don't think I'd wanna partake in that particular delicacy in *any* case.

  7. Ahhh Ed, you hurt my delicate little feelers. I do have a nice ass though. And my man boobs are starting to really show themselves.

  8. Well, I *do* have a weakness for a nice pair of moobs. We'll just need to get you dressed up a stained, yellowing wifebeater and bermuda shorts and I'll melt like a pat o' butter.

    Or something greasy.

  9. How distressing! And here I thought everyone was staring at us at Dick's because of my wonderful physique!
