Monday, April 20, 2015

I Think I Work Too Hard

In an effort to increase my blogging and, by accident, my writing skills, I've decided not to think so hard about what I want to blog about.

It's actually kind of funny. I've never quite grasped the usage of the word ironic so I just don't use it. Is it ironic that the reason it's hard for me to come up with blogging ideas is because too many people read my blog? There are some people I don't want reading certain things about my life so I have to carefully pick and choose what I can write about and what I mustn't. So, I just don't write.

At what age is it too late to have a midlife crisis? I'm considering having my second one at the age of 48. Is it okay to have two midlife crisis's? How do you spell crisis's? It's actually crises. That's the word that went thru my head as I was writing, but it looked wrong. I had go look it up. All my life people have been telling me that your initial instincts are usually correct. The Internet has made my ability to double-check myself a debilitating curse. Add that to my list of crises. Check.

The other day I cruised the Durango blogs and realized he's removed the link to my humble page. This is good information. I realize now that 6+ months is too long to go without invoking the Nix of Durango. I'm a little sad. Ghost (Musings From the Lion City) still has me linked though. He's apparently more patient.

The problem with not having ideas is not knowing when to end.


  1. It appears to me you leapt to an erroneous conclusion. I saw that your blog had re-appeared on my blog, clicked the link to find you lamenting that I had removed it due to wanton inactivity, when I had not done so. Maybe Google removes what it thinks is a dead blog. You know Google has had it in for you ever since they had to deal with all your offensive adult content. And now Google has restored you to your former glory now that you've returned to being a blogging maniac...

  2. Cool! I've forgotten to blog again. I think I need to setup some kind of reminder.
