Monday, December 16, 2019

Blogging's Politicized Demise

I was once a voracious blogger. I'm not really sure why I quit, but I did.

Today, I read an article indicating that the idea of blogging may be going the way of all good things.

It made me think about why I started doing it in the first place.

It was mainly therapeutic. It helps to write out problems and how you feel about it.

At one point, I decided I might be able to make some money via advertising. My "account" was up to about $20 when Google decided my blog did not meet their guidelines on "family" standards.

It may be that point where blogging lost its allure to me.

But enough about all that. This post is actually about politics.

I think I've blogged before that I don't like Trump. It's nothing new. I haven't liked him since the first time I saw him on television. He seemed (and still seems) like an egotistical asshole.

He's actually not doing a bad job as president. If he'd just keep his mouth shut.

Why would you ridicule a 16 year old girl? Is your ego so fragile that you have to take jabs at 16 year old's? You are the President of the USA for God's sake. If your ego needs any more stroking talk to your wife. Don't ridicule kids.

And for the love of all that's normal in the human race, quit calling people names. That is childish and not befitting adults, much less Presidents.

Be more like Andrew Yang. He seems like an intelligent man who refuses to get drawn into unnecessary drama. It would be such a welcoming change of scenery if he could win the Presidency next year. I've never wanted anyone so cool, calm and collected to be elected President. I blame you.