Caveats galore! I didn't vote for Obama. The new affordable healthcare act fell well short of what I thought it should be. Doing away with health insurance would have been a good start. Instead we've forced everyone to buy health insurance.
That being said...
For companies to say, "Because of our religious beliefs we refuse to cover contraception" is like me saying, "Because I think my pinky toe is pretty, I refuse to wear shoes".
Yes, that's right, I'm saying it's stupid.
If you're going to waste taxpayer money in our court systems, find something worth litigating about.
As Americans, the Declaration of Independence says we have the right to the pursuit of happiness. If sex makes you happy, but childbirth does not, you better not be Catholic or work for some other archaic company that requires you to follow their religious beliefs (no matter how backasswards).
These types of religious views only affect women. So men are free to pursue happiness all they want, but women who work for one of these companies or belong to one of these religions are not?
Well, I guess, technically, they could, but it'll cost them more. Both in money (paying for their own birth control) and for time (spending more of it in the confessional booth).
It's time to join the 21st century folks. Women have just as much of a right as men to happiness. We shouldn't have laws or religions that discriminate based on sex.
Freedom is more important than religious freedom. If I happen to have a job working for a wealthy Catholic family, I shouldn't be required to be Catholic. That, my friends, is most definitely not freedom of religion.
In a country founded upon freedom of religion we can't have people (no matter how wealthy they happen to be) rewriting our laws because of their religion. It'll go nowhere but down.