The most interesting thing about the Cayman Islands is that the cruise ships are too big to dock there (because of the coral reefs or something like that) so they have to drop anchor and you take tender boats to the shore. When they drop anchor, it's quite loud and will wake you up from a sound sleep. I know this from experience.
Day 5, incidentally, was also Thursday. To you Americans, that was also Thanksgiving.
Regardless, here are some pictures from Day 5 of my cruise:
This is our tender. You can see in front of us they were loading a second tender. It was all done very efficiently. You didn't even have to get your feet wet.

This was taken from the Cayman Island docks. You can see there were 3 cruise ships visiting the island for Thanksgiving. Ours was the one on the left.

Here is a lovely picture of my Jamaican bride. Yep, she followed me. She said she couldn't stand for me to leave her alone so she left behind the island and the people she'd lived with all her life to follow me to the Cayman Islands. It was very sweet really.

Apparently the Cayman Islands have a history of piracy. Here's a picture of me with a local Cayman Island pirate. He was very scary. I tried to get him to say "Gar har har", but he wouldn't talk. My shirt says, "Sometimes I amaze myself". It's quite immature of me to wear such garments, but I can't help myself.

When we were drinking at a beach front restaurant I looked up to see a pirate ship attacking the Conquest. I worried briefly that we had accidentally arrived in Somalia.

I mentioned earlier that it was Thanksgiving. This was my pumpkin cake. I like how they did the glaze and the blueberry to make it resemble an American flag. You have to look at it for 5 minutes trying to focus directly on the blueberry and then close your eyes. Ah, and tilt your head to the right at a 90 degree angle. Maybe you should tilt your head before you do the 5 minute thing. And read all the instructions before you start.

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