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Monday, November 3, 2008

Regions of the USA

I think we should divide up the USA.  We've corrupted this world as a solitary empire for long enough!  We'll divide the USA into 3 distinct regions (pardon the graphic).  We'll create the region that wants the government to take care of them.  We'll call it the Democratic Region.  We'll create the region that wants God to take care of them.  We'll call that the Republican Region.  We'll create the region that can take care of themselves.  We'll call that the American Region.  Bet you thought I'd say the Libertarian Region.  That's what you get for thinking.


  1. Dude, find a better graphic or learn to count :-p

    (Or maybe just figure out a 4th region. How 'bout "Lobsterland?")

  2. Man, that's why I said, "pardon the graphic". Because I can count.

    But, we do need a region for the people that don't care. I suppose the Lobsterland Region would be as good a name as any.
