Originally, I started doing this blog mainly for spouting off random opinions about things that tend to bug me. If you are hugely patient and maybe slightly insane you can go back to when I first started and most of my postings are political opinions mixed with some subtle and not so subtle bashing of the religious industry.
Occasionally, I'd throw in something regarding computers. I spend a lot of time with computers and I tend to solve a lot of problems because of it. I'm always surprised at how ignorant people are about computers.
I've also seen that themed blogs seem to do better than non-themed blogs. Random blogs are attractively challenged. People follow blogs because they are interested in the topic. Random blogs have no topic.
I've been watching SciQ Sunday sporadically on the Science Channel. It always gives me interesting ideas that I could blather on about in a blog. But I normally ignore the temptation until it goes away. I think last week or maybe the week before last they were talking about "Cloud Computing" which I've heard of before.
Instead of writing up a small post about it, it got me to thinking about how much I could write about computers. So maybe I need to create a blog dedicated to computers. It might lead into my authoring career. But I can't think of anyone that admits to reading this blog who would be the least bit entertained by a technical computer blog.
Then, yesterday, SciQ had a show on about (and I am paraphrasing big time) wavering interdimensional membranes and how they can be used to explain the unexplained. Without reading up on it and realizing that I don't have a physics degree, there were some oddities about the whole SciQ explanation that I found unpalatable. Here again, I thought it would be interesting to explore my ignorance in a public forum, but I decided it was not fit for my random blog. My random blog, although called random, has probably disintegrated into more of a random opinionated brain candy forum.